Starting over again...

Posted by Tina on 10:36 PM in , , , , , ,
I deleted all of my previous blogs, just to get rid of the past from last semester. A lot has happened due to stress from the Words and Images class at UB.  I developed TMJ, causing me a lot of problems with my ears, and jaw.  Recently got a bite guard to help me out during the day.  Also recently lost 25db of my hearing, that's a major hearing loss drop.  Shame on those teachers that love to stress out the students to the max and don't give a damn about them.  It will come back to haunt them one day.

I decided to start blogging my new journey to my new 'ears' in the upcoming months.  Felt that if other CI bloggers do it, why not me?

I won't lie, I am scared shitless about the entire operation part.  I am scared of the pain, the stress I will go thru, the what-if's that lie ahead. I'm sure that's pretty normal for every CI'er.



So sorry to read about your health problems! I hope everything turns out okay.

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