Discover NEPTUNE - Rockville Seminar!
Hope to see you there! This is from AB's website:
Introducing Neptune™, the world’s first—and only—swimmable sound processor from Advanced Bionics. Developed for all ages and lifestyles, the lightweight Neptune processor features the industry’s first freestyle™ design, allowing patients to hear their world with the comfort and beauty of nothing on the ear.
To learn more about the features and benefits of this revolutionary new sound processor, attend one of the following seminars designed for adults and parents of children with hearing loss as well as the professionals who support them. Additionally, the seminar will offer a demonstration of valuable resources to support your journey to better hearing. Time will be provided for chatting with other attendees and speaking directly with manufacturer representatives.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Rockville, MD
Who: Adults and parents of children with hearing loss as well as the professionals who support them.
Registration Link: http://www.regonline.com/rockvilleconsumer0112
Captioning for each seminar will be provided.
Questions? Unable to attend the event, but would like to learn more?
Please contact the Bionic Ear Association (BEA):
Email hear@AdvancedBionics.com
Call 866.844.HEAR (4327)